I'm sure that almost everyone out there, while searching the web, has stumbled across a site so full of useless ads, nav bars, large images, etc. that the content was nearly invisible. At the same time, I am sure that just as many people have found sites that are full of great content, information on sites to visit, special offers the website has, or anything of the sort, but looks absolutely terrible. In web-design, some designers have a tendency to forget about keeping things balanced, people want to fill their website with useless images to attract people, or ads to bring in money, or they want to make sure they can say everything they want to say. Both of these things are a problem.

First Impressions Matter

One of the first questions any designer should be asking themselves when they are making a site is, "Do I need this?". It's an important thought. The vast majority of websites on the web are for businesses, for companies trying to sell some item that they think people want to buy. Business websites have to look good, so that potential buyers with like the site, and feel comfortable enough to stay and look around, look at the prices, look at what's being sold, and decide on whether or not they want to buy anything. If a site looks terrible, with tables making up most of the site, bad overlap and spacing between item, illegible typography, no one is going to stay long enough to look at the content, and the company won't make money. A good design is a site's first impression, before anyone visiting a site looks at the content, they look at the site itself, they look at the background, at the navigation, at the header, the body, the footer; people make their first opinions based on the first few seconds after they click onto a site. So, we as designers must understand the importance of a good looking site.

So, you've Got their Attention

Now, they look at your wares. They'll take a look at what your selling, read the little bits explaining who you are, what you sell. It's here that the real game begins. The importance of good body copy is no mystery, anyone who has ever visited a website understands the importance of content. Navigation should be well labeled so people can find their way around, any information should be clear and concise. Without a strong message, and without a well articulated purpose, people are going to leave. It's all about setting the right tone, getting your information across. The average web-surfer has an attention span of about 30 seconds, and in that time, you need to get them interested in your product, in your content, in your blog, or whatever it is your site is for. Without good content, it won't happen.

So, what do I do?

Here are just a few tips for keeping things balanced, for making sure that all first impressions are good, and that most people logging on will stay to buy something, or take part in your content:

1- Be a minimalist.
Make sure you have whatever you need to get your message across, and nothing else.

2- Be memorable.
Make a site that is going to stick in people's heads.

3- Be easy on the eyes.
Don't make people want to click away, make them want to delve deeper.

4- Never forget the little things.
Make sure that every little detail of your site is good, fix typos, margins, little nuances to make your site shine.

If you have any thoughts you want to share, or things you think I missed, post them below, I would love to hear them.

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